Individual Polish Language Course


Get personalized Polish lessons tailored to your needs with this customized monthly program.
Unique 4 x 60min lessons per month focused on your goals for just 399PLN/month.


Get personalized Polish lessons tailored to your needs with this customized monthly program. Our educators will design a unique learning plan based on your goals, interests, and abilities.

How it works:

  • Free 15 min consultation: Discuss background, objectives, ideal learning path.
  • Custom course: Expert designs 4 x 60 min lessons per month focused on what you need most.
  • Flexible scheduling: Book lesson times/dates during consultation. Reschedule with 48h notice.
  • All levels welcome: Instruction personalized for any ability.
  • WhatsApp access: Discuss materials between lessons with your teacher.
  • Renew anytime: Purchase additional lesson packages whenever you want or need more lessons

With individualized instruction from native speakers, this engaging monthly course will boost your fluency and confidence.
Subscribe for just 399PLN/month and get started with a free consultation!